Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The League for Innovation has a series of online modules for the community college teacher. Much of the stuff is pretty basic (e.g. tips for learning your students' names), but it is well outlined so you can easily access specific modules of most interest to you. They have some information on teaching online classes, but it makes up only a very sm:all section of a larger module on using technology with your classes. I do want to list some of the technology resources here though because they do contain more information than what's present in the module:

Friday, March 24, 2006

I'll be teaching Masterpieces of Cinema in the fall. Here's a list of some film studies web sites that I've found. I'll probably be adding more leading up to the course.

  • Film Studies Resources on the Internet: This one page guide was created by students at the University of Alberta, and it hasn't been updated since 1995. However, it does contain links on film journals, directors, academic aspects, and links to other film studies sites on the Internet. I think this is basically a "dead" page, though, and many of the links don't work.
  • Senses of Cinema is an online journal devoted to film discussion. Recent articles appear on the Bob Dylan documentary, music in The Royal Tenenbaums, and Robert Towne.
  • Film-Philosophy classifies itself as a "salon-journal" where members post messages on directors, philosophers, and specific films. Some good stuff is here, but the web site is designed poorly (kind of like Arts and Letters Daily), making it difficult to find specific subjects that you might be researching. It seems more like a site you just browse weekly.

Monday, January 23, 2006

It's now the second week of the semester, and right now I'm quite happy to be on sabbatical. Over the break, JCCC decided to upgrade to WebCT 6.0. This plan seemed like a good idea until I uploaded my old courses into the new software and saw what WebCT did to them -- mainly it re-sets the entire course without giving you the option to only re-set certain items as the old software did. It also gets rid of icons, re-does the layout on the home page, etc. As I left for break, I was thankful that I would have an entire semester to play around with the new software before my summer classes begin. Our WebCT listserve on campus has been flooded with messages of complaint from instructors on what now appears to have been possibly not the best time for an upgrade. WebCT does have a 6.0 orientation page at least. The Ed Tech Center at JCCC has put together it's own helpful FAQ page.