Yesterday, it was announced that Blackboard had bought out WebCT for $180 million. I guess this was inevitable since I don't think either company was getting enough business by itself to turn a real profit. Still, I'm not a fan of this merger. First, I worry that WebCT, which has been the more comprehensive (yet not as user-friendly) course management program will be simplified as Blackboard is. Second, less competition can't be a good thing for education institutions who will now have to pay whatever this new bigger company wants. Yes, there's some smaller course management software programs out there, but how realistic is it for large colleges to actually go with one of these companies? Third, to what extent will current WebCT users have to now learn a new program? Right now, Blackboard's site says that the WebCT product line will remain "intact and supported," but I'm sure eventually in some future version WebCT will be dropped entirely as a name. More information on the mergers can be found here:
- The Chronicle of Higher Education (password required)
- The corporate spin
- An analysis from Inside Higher Education